Marquette King's Quest for an NFL Comeback

Marquette King's Quest for an NFL Comeback

At 35 years old, Marquette King is on an unwavering quest to return to the NFL. Known for his remarkable punting prowess, King has had a career marked by notable highs and unfortunate setbacks, yet his resolve remains unshaken.

Roots in Oakland

King began his NFL journey with the Oakland Raiders in 2012, a time when the team sought to solidify its special teams unit. Over the next five years, he established himself as a premier punter, leading the NFL in punting yards in 2014, a testament to his exceptional ability to flip the field. During his tenure with the Raiders, he played in 84 games, recording 446 punts for an impressive 20,822 yards, with 163 of those landing inside the 20-yard line. Highlights of his career include a career-long 72-yard punt, a feat that showcased his power and precision.

Denver Misfortune

In 2018, King sought new challenges and signed a three-year, $7 million contract with the Denver Broncos. Unfortunately, his time in Denver was marred by injury. Placed on injured reserve in October 2018 due to a thigh injury, King was subsequently released. This unexpected turn left him sidelined but not defeated.

Triumph Outside the NFL

Following his departure from the NFL, King continued to demonstrate his skills in alternative leagues. In 2020, he led the XFL in punting yards, proving that his talent remained undiminished. More recently, in 2023, King became an XFL champion, further bolstering his resume and keeping his NFL aspirations alive.

Current Endeavors

King's latest achievements include being named the All-UFL punter with the Arlington Renegades. His performance in the league has been nothing short of stellar, and he maintains that his capabilities are unrivaled. King has been vocal about his desire to return to the NFL, evidenced by his recent social media activity where he posted a video showcasing one of his punts.

He passionately stated, "You can't tell me that there are 32 punters better than me. All-UFL Punter in a league where punting isn't easy at all! I'm manifesting a call from an NFL team again soon." These words reflect his enduring confidence and determination to prove himself once more on football's biggest stage.

The Road Ahead

The NFL season is swiftly approaching, and King has set his sights on 2024 as the year he reclaims his place among the league's elite. His journey is a compelling narrative of persistence and resilience, attributes that he hopes will soon see him donning an NFL jersey again.

Marquette King’s commitment to his craft and tenacious spirit undoubtedly provide a potent combination that makes a strong case for his return. As teams finalize their rosters, it remains to be seen if King's perseverance will earn him another shot in the NFL. For now, his story continues to inspire and captivate football fans, many of whom eagerly await the next chapter in his remarkable career.